Online training: How can I make a difference for the EU elections?

torek 14. maj 2024 18:00
sreda 15. maj 2024 07:15



Are you a young person who cares about the EU elections? You want to do more than voting only, but you are not sure what you can do? Are you looking for tools and content you can share to encourage your friends to vote? Then this training is for you! The European Parliament elections are coming up from the 6th until the 9th of June. These elections are important as they will define the EU’s policies for the next five years, which will have an impact on our lives and futures. You probably know that voting is important. But maybe your friends and family are not convinced or simply uninformed about the EU and the elections. Join this training to find out how you can make a difference beyond your own vote! In this training, you will… 1. get to know other young people from across Europe who care about the EU elections; 2. get inspired by online and in-person initiatives on the EU elections organised by young people; 3. learn concrete tips and tricks that you can apply to inform and engage people about the EU elections in your own context; 4. get motivated to do something (big or small) with your friends or family, in your own community or on your social media platforms to make a difference for the EU elections. Join us for a free, interactive online training on Wednesday 15 May, 18h-19h15 CEST. Register via the link. This training is organised by Generation Climate Europe, as part of the Gen C project, co-funded by the European Union.

© Generation Climate Europe
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