Critical Crossroads: Key perspectives from Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Romania six months before the European Elections

četrtek 14. december 2023 19:00 20:30



TALKING EUROPE – Discuss with me about EUrope #12 🇩🇪 🇵🇱 🇸🇰 🇷🇴
Digital event in the FORUM X app | Code: EU-1412 | Language: English

This series of talks is a cooperation between the partner Diskutier mit mir e. V. and the European Parliament - Liaison Office in Germany.

Event Partners: Bratislava Policy Institute @bratislavapolicyinstitute | Timis County Youth Foundation Romania @fitt_timisoara | The Polish Forum of Young Diplomats @diplomacyfmd

No doubt, the upcoming European elections will shape the second half of the decade. From June 6th to 9th 2024 we are called to vote, in the face of growing extremism and right-wing populism, the Russian war of aggression, and high inflation rates. Energy security, climate and migration policy as well as the EU's role in world politics are also amongst the issues that agitate current debates. What are the answers to the challenges of today and tomorrow? What does the EU have to say to its citizens six months before the elections?
Debate your questions with Members of the European Parliament and experts.

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Critical Crossroads: Key perspectives from Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Romania six months before the European Elections

German-French Youth Office @ofaj_dfjw | @europaeische_akademie_berlin | European Movement Germany @netzwerkebd | BBE | YATA Germany @dag_yata | European Youth Parliament Germany @eypde | @jef.deutschland | Berlin-Brandenburg Foreign Society @bbag_ev | European Integration Center Rostock @eiz_rostock | @europeancapitalofdemocracy | EUROPE DIRECT Berlin @belapobi & Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania & Munich @munich4europe_ @europe_direct_bocholt | @eddarmstadt | @europe_direct_dresden | @europedirectsaarbruecken