Info session

četrtek 27. april 2023 10:00 11:00

The upcoming info session will focus on the technical aspect of submitting proposals for the grants awarded by the Directorate General for Communication of the European Parliament. These grants are aimed at promoting public awareness of the European Parliament's role in delivering democracy, increasing civic participation, and mobilizing voters in the European Elections 2024. The grants are open to non-profit legal persons (including civil society organisations as well as public and private stakeholders) complying with the eligibility criteria specified in the call for proposals. The grants provide co-financing for communication actions and capacity-building activities, with a grant term of about ten months or less.

The info session will provide valuable guidance on the proposal submission process.

Please note that there will be no Q&A session during this meeting/event. All information and queries must be submitted in writing to All responses will be published on the EU Portal for sake of transparency and equal treatment between applicants.

Information on how to join the meeting will be provided by email in a due time.