2024 Voices Citizens Speak Up!

Join our online focus groups and get a reward!

četrtek 14. september 2023 22:00
nedelja 01. oktober 2023 21:30



#2024Voices – Citizens Speak Up! aims to offer young Belgian, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Swedish citizens between 18 and 40 years old the opportunity to share their ideas on issues related to democracy, climate, security and the economy, ahead of the European elections in June 2024. The project is multilingual, meaning we’ll engage with citizens in their native language! How? If you are a national of any of the 7 target countries* and aged 18-40 years old, you can register using the appropriate country form (e.g. Italy here) that you can find in this webpage until 24 September to participate in a 1-hour online session on Zoom (early in the morning, during the lunch break or in the evening). This involves answering a few simple questions and exchanging views with other citizens. Participants will be rewarded for their time. *Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden. If you don’t come from any of the target countries, feel free to forward this to whoever you know who may interested, thanks! Why? This is an important initiative to create safe, welcoming and neutral spaces for discussion, at a time in history when it is difficult to engage in constructive dialogue and influence political decisions from below. I count on your and your network’s participation!

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